Jostick polymers Pvt. Ltd., Metallised Paper, Lacquered Metallised Polyester Film, Lacquered BOPP Film, Heat Sealable Film, Hot Stamping Foil, Freshguard, Resin, Lacquer, Holographic Primer Coating, Laminated Paper Board, Aluminium Foil Paper, Metallized Transfer Paper, Holographic Paper, Metallised Board, Metallised Chromo Paper, Holographic Metallized Paper, Tmp Paperboard, Lacquered Film, Lacquer Metalized Films, BOPP Tape Film, Textile BOPP Film, Metalized Film, Embossing Bopp Film, Heat Seal Film, DG Lacquers, Non DG Lacquers, Epoxy Resin, SO2 Pads, Grape Pads, Freshguard So2 Grape Pads, Grape Guard, Aluminium Foil Rolls, Aluminium Foil Paper, Holographic Hot Stamping Foils.
  • Metalised Paper
Metalised Paper1

Metallised Paper


Bopp Films and Rolls


So2 Grape Pads

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Our Experience - In Exports to other Countries

The company is renowned for its quality products and regular export of DG lacquer has been done in the Middle East. Also speciality coating films are exported to Israel. Deemed export of transfer metallised paper and specialty coating films are done regularly.

The company has authorised distributors for FRESHGUARD™ in Egypt, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Australia, Lebanon and Italy. The company has its exclusive agents in Australia, China, Turkey, Lebanon, South Africa, Russia and Canada.

Our Experience - In Marketing and Marketing Research

The company has an experienced and dynamic marketing division which is well versed with recent developments in the industry. The marketing team efficiently handles the local and international market.

The division has renowned and experienced personnel with network worldwide.

Our Experience - In Technology and Innovation

The company has a line of innovative and specialty products to its credit. The technical director of the company is a plastic technologist with 30+ years of experience in the coating industry. The company has developed specialty coatings specially tailor made to the application needs of the clients.

Special single/ dual release films are manufactured for preserving freshness of food and food products which is a patented technology.
Special primer coatings are developed for UV offset printings and holographic printings.

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